SoHo World: Invest in Quality Training
The value of training is now well established: knowledge has become a prime driver in our economy and, undoubtedly, in your company. Along with innovation, it forms the basis of strong and booming economies. Employee training, once an afterthought, is now a recognized company asset. The old adage is now truer than ever: knowledge is worth its weight in gold!

Protect the value of your investment by letting our training and education professionals translate and adapt the contents of your training programs. Poorly-translated, badly-adapted learning materials make the worst teachers… and the most awful students!

Education is more than mere science. It is primarily the art of communicating, using languages and means tailored not only to students, but to their contexts as well. Think of your most memorable teachers: they were impassioned
with their subject matter, and knew how to share that dedication effectively and with power.

Dedication and accuracy: in this, teachers and translators are very much alike … it is certainly the case for
the translators affiliated with SoHo World!